Ecology and Biodiversity



CampbellReith's expertise in ecology and biodiversity supports our well-developed skills in environmental impact assessment and development planning. Our ecologists work closely with our civil engineering and hydrology teams in the design of innovative and sustainable drainage schemes to support planning applications in areas of water stress and/or flood risk.



Our experienced team works quickly to diagnose critical issues affecting a site, to identify opportunity and true land value. We offer clear and informed ecological advice and guidance for managing biodiversity and the impact of land use change, and benefit from a strong track record in successful collaboration with regulators.

Land Use Consultants

Land Use Consultants

LUC offers a range of ecological support to clients across the UK. Involved at every stage of the Development Management process, we provide pragmatic preliminary ecological appraisals, habitat and protected species surveys, protected species mitigation and licensing, BREEAM, EcIA and HRA for developments ranging from large-scale infrastructure to residential masterplans.

Lockhart Garratt

Lockhart Garratt

Offering cost effective, practical and innovative ecological solutions for small and large-scale projects nationwide. Our services include: Habitat & Species Surveys & Licensing; Habitat Creation, Restoration and Management; Habitat Regulations Assessment; Stakeholder Engagement; Biodiversity offsetting, net gain and mitigation solutions; and Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA).

MKA Ecology

MKA Ecology

At MKA we are experts in ecology, providing impact assessments and recommendations for enhancements and mitigation. Since 1998, we have helped clients on over 800 successful projects. Our reputation is built on our team of experienced, multi-disciplined ecologists who deliver high quality, cost-effective and sustainable ecological solutions to clients.

Temple Group

Temple Group

The Temple Group of companies (including The Ecology Consultancy, Arbeco and The Green Infrastructure Consultancy) bring together a wealth of ecological expertise to offer a comprehensive range of ecology surveys, consultancy services and expert advice on wildlife issues. Services include: Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA); Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA); Phase 2 Vegetation surveys including the National Vegetation Classification (NVC); Protected species surveys; mitigation, translocation and habitat creation under licence from Natural England; Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA) practical and innovative services on Green Infrastructure including auditing and specifying green roofs; suitably qualified ecologists (SQEs) input for BREEAM, CfSH & CEEQUAL credits; arboricultural services and surveys including Tree Survey and Tree Constraints Report (BS 5837); biodiversity net gain, natural capital and ecosystem services analysis; and GIS survey capture, mapping and analysis.

The Environment Partnership

The Environment Partnership

TEP’s team of ecologists are members of CIEEM and hold a full range of licences and accreditations relevant to all protected and priority habitats and species normally encountered in the UK. We work on a range of residential and mixed-use developments from site feasibility, planning and supporting construction. Whether a strategic site or smaller residential development our team recognise the unique nature of each development and identify the potential ecological constraints and seek realistic, cost-effective solutions to benefit both our clients and biodiversity.

Recent Project

Recent Project

Rushden Park and Lakes, Northamptonshire
Click to view

Recent Project

Recent Project

Woolston Riverside, Southampton
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